Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions PDF Free

Today we are going to give you Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions in PDF Free. Stay tuned till the end of this article because I am going to give you the Application of Derivatives Class 12 Solutions which is very important for you.

If you people read this article completely, then I say with the full claim that you will never again need to find the solution of Application of Derivatives Class 12 because today I am going to give you a pdf which has the complete solution of all the exercises.

Let us first know with the help of bullet points, which are the exercises in Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions. We will provide you with complete information about chapter 6 class 12 maths today so that you can make your studies better.

  • Exercise 6.1
  • Exercise 6.2
  • Exercise 6.3
  • Exercise 6.4
  • Exercise 6.5
  • Miscellaneous Exercise

Let us now know which topics we have to study in the exercise of Application of Derivatives Class 12 through a table. We will further go through each and every topic thoroughly and also you will get a Class 12th Chapter 6 Maths Solutions PDF so read this article till the end because it is full of knowledge.

ExerciseTopic Covered
Ex 6.1Introduction & Rate of Change of Quantities
Ex 6.2Increasing and Decreasing Functions
Ex 6.3Tangents and Normals:
Ex 6.4Approximations
Ex 6.5Maxima and Minima
Miscellaneous ExerciseAll Mixed Questions

The Application of Derivatives is an essential topic in mathematics, particularly in calculus. It is a fundamental concept that finds extensive use in various fields, including physics, economics, engineering, and more. In Class 12, students are introduced to the concept of derivatives and their applications. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Application of Derivatives Class 12 and understand its basics.

Get a PDF of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions

The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives is an essential resource for students studying mathematics. This chapter covers a wide range of topics related to the application of derivatives, including the rate of change of quantities, increasing and decreasing functions, tangents and normals, approximations, maxima and minima, and miscellaneous Q&A.

To make studying easier, NCERT provides a PDF of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions. This PDF contains step-by-step solutions to all the exercises in the chapter, making it an excellent resource for students preparing for exams or seeking to improve their understanding of the concepts.

The PDF of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions is a comprehensive guide that provides students with a clear understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter. Each topic is explained in detail, with examples and illustrations to help students grasp the concepts easily. The solutions are presented in a simple and easy-to-understand language, making it suitable for students of all levels.

One of the benefits of using the PDF of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions is that it provides students with an opportunity to practice and test their understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter. The exercises are designed to challenge students and reinforce their learning, allowing them to gain confidence in their abilities and improve their performance.

Furthermore, the PDF of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions is easily accessible and can be downloaded from the NCERT website for free. This makes it a convenient resource for students who want to study anytime and anywhere, without the need for physical textbooks.

I had given the PDF of Continuity and Differentiability Class 12 to all of you in the previous article, if you have not read it, then you can read it once. I hope that all these pdf will be very beneficial for you.

Introduction to Application of Derivatives Class 12 and Rate of Change of Quantities

This section deals with finding the rate at which a quantity changes concerning time. For instance, the velocity of a moving object or the rate of growth of a population.

The Application of Derivatives is a critical concept in mathematics, particularly in calculus. In Class 12, students are introduced to the concept of derivatives and their applications. The Application of Derivatives Class 12 covers various topics, including the rate of change of quantities, increasing and decreasing functions, tangents and normals, approximations, and maxima and minima.

Let’s start by understanding the basics of derivatives. A derivative is a mathematical tool that helps us understand how a function changes over time. In calculus, the derivative of a function represents the rate at which the function changes concerning its input variable. It is denoted by ‘f'(x), where x is the input variable, and ‘f’ represents the function.

The rate of change of quantities is a crucial application of derivatives. This section deals with finding the rate at which a quantity changes concerning time. For instance, the velocity of a moving object or the rate of growth of a population. Let’s take the example of a car moving on a straight road. The velocity of the car is the rate at which the car’s position changes over time. We can find the velocity of the car by taking the derivative of the function representing the car’s position with respect to time.

Another example is the rate of growth of a population. The derivative of the function representing the population with respect to time gives us the rate at which the population is growing or declining.

To calculate the rate of change of quantities, we use the concept of derivatives. The derivative of a function gives us the instantaneous rate of change of the function at a particular point. We can also find the average rate of change of a function over an interval by taking the difference in the function’s values at the endpoints of the interval and dividing it by the length of the interval.

Increasing and Decreasing Functions

This section helps students determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing in a given interval. It also covers the First Derivative Test, which is used to determine the local maxima and minima of a function.

In the Application of Derivatives Class 12, students learn about increasing and decreasing functions. An increasing function is a function in which the value of the function increases as the input variable increases. Similarly, a decreasing function is a function in which the value of the function decreases as the input variable increases.

To determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing, we use the concept of derivatives. If the derivative of the function is positive, then the function is increasing. On the other hand, if the derivative of the function is negative, then the function is decreasing.

For example, let’s consider the function f(x) = x^2. To determine whether this function is increasing or decreasing, we take the derivative of the function, which is f'(x) = 2x. If the value of x is positive, then f'(x) is positive, which means that the function is increasing. Similarly, if the value of x is negative, then f'(x) is negative, which means that the function is decreasing.

In addition to determining whether a function is increasing or decreasing, we can also find the intervals in which a function is increasing or decreasing. To find the intervals of increase or decrease, we look at the sign of the derivative of the function. If the derivative is positive, then the function is increasing, and if the derivative is negative, then the function is decreasing.

Tangents and Normals

This section teaches students how to find the equation of a tangent or a normal to a curve at a given point. It also covers the Second Derivative Test, which is used to determine the nature of critical points.

In the Application of Derivatives Class 12, students learn about tangents and normals, which are essential concepts in calculus. A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve at a single point, while a normal is a straight line that is perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact.

To find the equation of the tangent and normal to a curve at a particular point, we use the concept of derivatives. Let’s consider the curve y = f(x). To find the equation of the tangent at a point (a, f(a)), we first find the derivative of the function, f'(x). We then substitute the value of x as ‘a’ in the derivative, which gives us the slope of the tangent at the point (a, f(a)). The equation of the tangent can be written as y – f(a) = f'(a)(x – a).

To find the equation of the normal at the point (a, f(a)), we first find the negative reciprocal of the slope of the tangent, which gives us the slope of the normal. The equation of the normal can be written as y – f(a) = (-1/f'(a))(x – a).

Using the concept of tangents and normals, we can solve various problems related to optimization, such as finding the maximum or minimum value of a function. To find the maximum or minimum value of a function, we first find the critical points of the function, where the derivative of the function is zero or undefined. We then check whether these critical points are maximum or minimum by analyzing the concavity of the function using the second derivative test. The maximum or minimum value of the function can be found by substituting these critical points back into the function.


This section teaches students how to approximate the values of a function near a particular point using the concept of derivatives.

In the Application of Derivatives Class 12, students learn about approximations, which are useful in various fields, including engineering, physics, and finance. Approximations allow us to estimate the value of a function without knowing its exact value.

One of the most common methods of approximation is a linear approximation. The linear approximation is based on the concept of tangents, which we learned in the previous section. Let’s consider the function f(x) and a point a. The linear approximation of the function at point a can be written as f(x) ≈ f(a) + f'(a)(x-a). This equation gives us an estimate of the value of the function f(x) near point a.

To use the linear approximation, we first find the value of f(a) and f'(a). We then substitute these values in the equation above and estimate the value of f(x) for values of x near a. The accuracy of the linear approximation depends on how close x is to a and the curvature of the function near point a.

Another method of approximation is the use of differentials. Let’s consider the function y = f(x). The differential of y with respect to x can be written as dy/dx. We can use differentials to estimate the change in the value of y when x changes by a small amount. The differential can be written as dy ≈ f'(x)dx. This equation gives us an estimate of the change in the value of y when x changes by a small amount dx.

Maxima and Minima

This section deals with finding the maximum and minimum values of a function in a given interval. It also covers the concepts of the Absolute Maxima and Minima.

In the Application of Derivatives Class 12, students learn about the concept of maxima and minima, which are critical points of a function that have either the highest or lowest value in a specific interval. The maximum and minimum values of a function are essential in various fields, including economics, physics, and engineering.

To find the maximum or minimum value of a function, we first find the critical points of the function, which are the points where the derivative of the function is zero or undefined. These critical points can be found by setting the derivative of the function equal to zero and solving for x. We then check whether these critical points are maximum or minimum by analyzing the concavity of the function using the second derivative test.

If the second derivative of the function at a critical point is positive, then the critical point is a local minimum, and if the second derivative of the function at a critical point is negative, then the critical point is a local maximum. If the second derivative of the function at a critical point is zero or undefined, then the test is inconclusive, and we need to use other methods to determine whether the critical point is a maximum or minimum.

Once we have found the critical points and determined whether they are maximum or minimum, we can find the maximum or minimum value of the function by substituting these critical points back into the function. The critical point with the highest value of the function is the maximum value, and the critical point with the lowest value of the function is the minimum value.

Now Let’s Talk About Application of Derivatives Class 12 Miscellaneous Exercise

The Miscellaneous Exercise of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives in Class 12 NCERT Solutions covers a variety of topics related to the application of derivatives, such as finding the equation of the tangent and normal lines, optimization problems, and finding the maximum and minimum values of functions.

This exercise is particularly useful for students who want to test their understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter and prepare for exams. It consists of a variety of problems with varying levels of difficulty, allowing students to challenge themselves and reinforce their learning.

One of the benefits of the Miscellaneous Exercise in Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions is that it provides students with a real-world context to apply the concepts they have learned. The problems in this exercise are based on practical scenarios and can be found in fields such as economics, physics, and engineering. By solving these problems, students can develop their problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of how derivatives are applied in the real world.

Another advantage of the Miscellaneous Exercise is that it covers a wide range of topics, allowing students to revise and consolidate their understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter. This exercise also helps students identify areas where they may need further practice or clarification, allowing them to focus their studies on the topics that require more attention.

The Miscellaneous Exercise in Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions is easily accessible and can be downloaded from the NCERT website for free. It provides step-by-step solutions to all the problems, making it an invaluable resource for students who are seeking to improve their performance and achieve better grades.

FAQ Related to Application of Derivatives Class 12

FAQ related to Application of Derivatives in Class 12 Mathematics includes questions about the concept of derivatives, their applications in real-life situations, differentiation rules, finding maximum and minimum values of a function, curve sketching, and optimization problems. Students may also have questions about critical points, the significance of the sign of the derivative, and the second derivative of a function. Understanding these concepts and their applications is important for success in calculus and for solving problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

What is a derivative?

A derivative is a mathematical concept that represents the rate of change of a function with respect to its independent variable. It is defined as the limit of the ratio of the change in the function value to the change in the independent variable as the change in the independent variable approaches zero.

What is the application of derivatives in real-life situations?

Derivatives have many applications in real-life situations. Some of the common applications include optimization problems, finding maximum or minimum values, finding rates of change, and finding tangent lines to curves.

What is the difference between differentiation and derivative?

Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative of a function. The derivative is the result of differentiation, which represents the rate of change of the function.

How do we find the derivative of a function?

We can find the derivative of a function by using differentiation rules such as the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. These rules help us to find the derivative of a function by applying certain formulas.

What is the second derivative of a function?

The second derivative of a function is the derivative of the derivative. It represents the rate of change of the function. It is denoted by f”(x) or d^2y/dx^2.

What is the significance of the sign of the derivative of a function?

The sign of the derivative of a function indicates the direction of change of the function. If the derivative is positive, the function is increasing. If the derivative is negative, the function is decreasing. If the derivative is zero, the function has a critical point.

What is the concept of critical points in calculus?

A critical point of a function is a point where the derivative of the function is zero or undefined. It is also called a stationary point. Critical points are important in calculus because they help us to find the maximum or minimum values of a function.

What is the concept of optimization in calculus?

Optimization is the process of finding the maximum or minimum value of a function. It is an important application of derivatives in calculus. We can use the first derivative test or the second derivative test to find the maximum or minimum value of a function.

What are the applications of derivatives Class 12?

The applications of derivatives in Class 12 mathematics include finding the maximum and minimum values of a function, the rate of change of a function, the slope of a tangent line, curve sketching, and solving optimization problems.

Which chapter is Application of derivatives class 12?

The Application of Derivatives is a chapter in Class 12 Mathematics. It is usually covered after the chapter on Differentiation.


Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives in Class 12 NCERT Solutions is a crucial resource for students studying mathematics. The chapter covers a wide range of topics related to the application of derivatives, including rate of change of quantities, increasing and decreasing functions, tangents and normals, approximations, and maxima and minima. The PDF of Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions is easily accessible and can be downloaded for free from the NCERT website.

The PDF provides step-by-step solutions to all the problems in the chapter, making it an invaluable resource for students seeking to improve their understanding and performance. The Miscellaneous Exercise in the chapter is particularly useful as it provides students with a real-world context to apply the concepts they have learned and helps them identify areas where they may need further practice or clarification.

Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives Class 12 NCERT Solutions PDF Free is a comprehensive guide to the application of derivatives and an essential resource for students seeking to improve their problem-solving skills and achieve better grades in mathematics.

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